A Monumental Mentor

Created by Musufing 3 years ago

in the 90s I was a young mum finding my way, going to classes and doing subjects I didn't get at school. I met big sis Patricia at the Roseville Centre LS8. She was  one of a group of powerful tutors and formidable women who led the classes. As well as delivering powerful classes packed with black history gems she spoke to us from her heart with conviction outside the classroom! She truly gave me an example of how to be a proud mum while striving towards being my best, academically and way beyond. With all her many achievements, she was never haughty and distant but like an oh so familiar Caribbean African aunty! My heart goes out to Patricia's family during this painful transition 💔 Sister Patricia, thank you,  may the Almighty continue to guide and protect you as you journey home to our ancestors. Your legacy cyaan done!!! ❤🌹

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